Sri Lanka Victory Seeds Foundation e.V. IBAN: DE07 6405 0000 0100 1043 63 BIC: SOLADES1REU Kreissparkasse Reutlingen Verwendungszweck: Sri Lanka |
Victory Seeds Foundation e.V. IBAN: DE43 6405 0000 0100 1043 94 BIC: SOLADES1REU Kreissparkasse Reutlingen
Verwendungszweck: Nepal
Victory Seeds Foundation e.V. IBAN: DE38 6405 0000 0100 1043 87 BIC: SOLADES1REU Kreissparkasse Reutlingen
Verwendungszweck: Indien
Please note:
Members of Victory Seeds Foundation e.V. do not collect
donations in the form of cash and do not engage third parties to collect cash donations!
You are welcome to transfer donations to the above mentioned accounts