Career of myself as founder and career of Victory Seeds Foundation e.V

My name is Aruni Velalakan and I am working as a doctor in the Bruderkrankenhaus. In 2015 I was traveling with the aid organization NAVIS e.V in the earthquake operation in Bhaktapur in Nepal. There I met many honest helping young people and also the negative and positive impressions shaped me. Already there, I started many small projects together with the young people outside the medical camp.
When I left the country, I decided that it is not all that I have done for these people. In my past I was very active for the Tamils from Sri Lanka and India because of my origin. My trip to India had also made a great impression on me. So I decided together with many young people here in Germany to start an association, which the three countries have very many positive and negative similarities. Diet, clothing, religions, history and mentality in a positive sense. Corruption, caste system, poverty, child labor and high illiteracy rate in the negative sense. We are aware that we can not change everything, but we want to achieve a piece of change



Aruni Velalakan
