Our Projects in Sri Lanka:

When? What have we done?
 Jul 2016- todate

Sponsorship of 10 children via the AEDU UK in Amparai (taking over tuition fees, costs for school supplies, etc.)

Nov 2017 - todate Sponsorship of 10 children in Batticaloa, Kilinochi
Dez 2017 - todate Shipping packages to Vivekanantha Girls Home Batticaloa (clothing, candy, toys) & meal financing
Jan 2018 - todate Distribute monthly foods in different Homes
08.02..18 Water dispencer for the Nursery

Packages for the Vivekanandar Girls Home


Pongal (Thanksgiving) im Vivekanandar Girls Home

Dec 2017 - Feb 2018

Therapy costs for Mrs. K. (nephrotic syndrome)


Furnishing school library in the Marupaalam GTM School

03./08.08.2017 Delivery of medical equipment in hospital: Base Hospital Kalmunai (North), Navatkadu Hospital
04.08.2017 Installion of a water tank system for Mullivaikkal East G.T.M School & a Lunch for Students and Parents
04.08.2017 Handing over bicycles for Students in Killinochi (for a simple way to School)

Sponsorship - AEDU-UK

For Sri Lanka we work together with the partner organization "AEDU-UK". Here we currently support 10 children in the District Amparai. Again, the school fees, school uniforms and material costs are taken from us.

Sponsorships of VSF e.V.

Furthermore, we look after 10 children in Sri Lanka. Again, we take over the school fees, school uniforms and material costs. The children were chosen locally by our association representative V. Prabakaran, who will continue to look after and support the children and their families on the ground.


Together with this organization, we would like to support a small clinic in Batticalom Navanthurai. An improvement in emergency medical services and patient transport is also the goal. There are hardly any possibilities to transport the sick people.